Budget Guidance for an NPC Scholar Application

This page includes guidance for the allow support for NPC fellowship and should be used in putting together the budget proposal for a Neutrino Physics Center Scholarship.

Awards may include travel to/from the lab and local expenses while resident at Fermilab.   A financial plan describing the funding request must be included in the application. Travel to conferences or other meetings is not covered. 

Please consider making your budget based on the following assumed rates. We strongly recommend you include a table in your budget justification following our recommended format PDFexcelgoogle sheets.  

  • Local Expenses while resident:
    • Per Diem:  Maximum $35/day
    • Lodging:
      • Maximum $25/day for lodging for onsite logging at Fermilab
      • Maximum $70+tax/day for offsite lodging, will be supported when on site lodging is not available
    • Car Rental:
      • Maximum $38/day for stays of less than 1 month
      • Maximum $30/day for stays of 1 month or greater
      • Rental Cars must be booked through the lab, and are available for pick up close the lab and can not be picked up from the airport.
  • Transportation Expenses:
    • The cost of one return trip to the lab is covered, and the minimum stay at the lab must be at least two weeks
      • Airfare:  Airfare will be normally be covered, but it must be purchased through the Fermilab Travel Office and all Fermilab Travel Rules must be followed for it to be reimbursable.  These rules may have significant impact on the cost of international air travel. Assume costs at standard economy rates, up to $1500 for international flights and $500 for domestic, expect in exceptional circumstances.
      • Personal Vehicle: Using your personal car for your return journey to/from the lab may be reimbursable at the DOE approved rates. This is dependent on the assessment of the relative cost of flying and driving.
      • Taxi to/from Airport: For travel back and forth from Chicago airports to Fermilab assume maximum $130 round trip. Please note rental cars hired through FNAL are only available for pick up close to the lab and not from Chicago airports, so please plan for this in your travel.
    • Please use the Fermilab Online Housing Request web site, keeping in mind the rules associated with reserving on site housing: you may be able to reserve in advance of the NPC decision. Full details about the Fermilab village is available here


Any additional requests beyond what is discussed above must be fully documented and justified in your budget summary. There will be considered but there is no guarantee for any support beyond what is discussed above.

You can certainly ask for less than these amounts by leveraging funds from other sources:  keep in mind that we do take into consideration, among other criteria, the physics impact per support level requested.