
Previous Scholars:    Fall 2017    Spring 2017    Fall 2016    Spring 2016
AJO Link for next round is available NOW, Deadline March 31, 2018.


The NPC’s fellowship program is envisioned to bring the international neutrino community to Fermilab to engage with the neutrino community at Fermilab, for short to medium term visits.  This includes both experimentalists, working on Fermilab experiments, and neutrino theorists.

Fermilab is home to a number of neutrino experiments studying short and long baseline oscillations, neutrino interactions, and neutrino detector R&D, and a vibrant theory community.

Fermilab hosts numerous workshops and seminar speakers throughout the year, providing a vibrant atmosphere for collaboration.  This is in combination with running experiments onsite provides a stimulating environment for those in residence.  

For experimentalists, the NPC’s fellowship awards will be made for work on hardware or software work, working with the neutrino community at Fermilab. For theorists, the awards will be made for neutrino theory or phenomenology related to the Fermilab neutrino program, interpreted in the broadest possible sense. Fellows who have a specific goal in mind for the duration of their stay will be given priority in funding.

DECISIONS ANNOUNCED: Week of May 28 – June 5, 2018
PERIOD WHEN FUNDS CAN BE USED:  June 15, 2018 through Feb 28, 2018

The proposals must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Duration: 2 weeks to 6 months
  • The funds awarded by the fellowship must be used within 9 months of the date of the award letter.
  • Awards may include travel, local expenses, a modest equipment budget, and in exceptional circumstances, salary compensation.  A financial plan describing the funding request must be included in the application.
  • Masters students, PhD students, Post Doctoral Fellows and Senior Researchers are all eligible for the Fellowships. All of the above must apply directly except Graduate Students who can apply directly or in conjunction with their thesis advisors.
  • Students and Post Doctoral Fellows should indicate the dates of current and expected terms of their employment or PhD.
  • At the end of the award period all candidates must be employed by a U.S. or non-U.S. institution, EXCEPT for students and emeritus scientists.
  • Fermilab employees are not eligible to apply for these Fellowships.
  • Guidance for putting together a budget justification can be found at a link here. Please follow this guidance in putting together your application. 

The following documents are needed to submit a proposal:

    • Research Proposal   (suggested length:  3 pages)
      • This should provide a brief summary of the proposed research project, a budget justification for the funding being requested (following the guidance here) , and a description of what funding is already being provided by your home institution.  
      • Proposals should include a specific scope of work to be completed during the fellowship, including goals and milestones.  
      • We strongly recommend that a Fermilab-based contact be identified in the proposal.
    • Curriculum Vitae  (suggested length:  2 pages)
      • This should be a 2-page summary of your resume.  For example you do not need to include a full publication list,  but something like a “top 10 papers in terms of your contributions” would be appropriate.
    • Reference Letters
      • You must provide up to three reference letters.
      • For graduate students and postdoc applicants, a letter from your advisor or mentor is strongly recommended.

Another fellowship opportunity that is open to Postdoctoral Fellows and Senior Researchers, but one that has different requirements and application periods, can be found at the Intensity Frontier Fellowship web page.